Marketing Your Purpose: A podcast for purpose-driven entrepreneurs, marketers and work from home boss babes!

Are you an entrepreneur or marketing/PR gal that is tired of crafting campaigns and pitching stories that don’t feel purposeful? Does your current place of business need a better marketing and PR strategy to break through the darkness? Do you desire to drive more light into this world by sharing your purpose-driven products, services and/or gifts, but don’t know where to start? If any of this resonates, you’re in the right place. Hi, I’m Austin and not long ago, I was right there with you, fighting the tension between showing up well in and outside of my corporate workplace, and consistently creating campaigns and telling stories that broke through the darkness. I was rundown, lost and in need of more joy and light in my life as a busy working wife, mama, daughter, sister, friend… you know, all the roles. Thankfully, I found inspiration from other boss babes fast (and you can too)! After being directed to reevaluate my long-term priorities and goals, including bringing my whole self, kiddos and all, plus my art for purpose-driven storytelling to the workplace, I established flexible work with amazing companies and team members who were (and are) on board with my mission. *Cue: Plum & Parcel, an integrated marketing and communications agency, that enables intentional, purpose-driven businesses to be seen and heard. Go check us out at!* As a fellow small business owner, marketer and WFH wife, mama, daughter, sister, friend, I know you are exactly where you need to be. I hope you will leave each episode feeling encouraged to express and be your true self in and outside your workplace, while communicating with purpose on behalf of the business(es) you serve. Inside this podcast you will find: • Basic, integrated marketing and PR tips that break through the darkness • Thoughtful plans to help you launch and sustain your purpose-filled thing • And, encouragement in helping you live by your values, in and outside your workplace So, friend, if you’re ready to drive more light into this world by simply marketing YOUR purpose, turn up the volume, grab your coffee and let’s dig in. Wanting more? Join my email list at and connect with my team and me on Instagram: @plumandparcel. Be the first to know when an episode drops, and hear what’s on the horizon for P&P, including fun freebies, marketing tips and e-course offerings. See you there!

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Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

It's already the third week of April, and I'm wondering where in the world the last couple weeks have gone. 
With spring break, ongoing sickness and a partner gone traveling for work for a week, it has been a wild ride. 🎢
Can you relate?
Thankfully, I was able to take a few steps back without missing a beat. 🥁
And, you know how I did it?
Batching content is a lifesaver for times like this.
At its root, content batching is simply planning and creating a month's plus worth of content in advance. 
You can imagine how happy I was when I knew I had several episodes recorded ahead of all this craziness. 🙌
If you don't have the slightest clue on how to start batching your content, then buckle up!
Today we're diving into:
1. Deciding what content to create
2. Designing a content calendar
3. Doing a brain dump
4. Dedicating your time 
5. Gathering your materials
6. Gaining momentum
7. …and most importantly, taking breaks!
Batching your content really is an excellent strategy to streamline your workflows and boost productivity.
AND, it provides great relief in a season when so much can be out of control.😮‍💨
Here are seven awesome content batching tips to start off your week!
Snag your FREE One Page Marketing Plan:
Grab your FREE Marketing Focus Framework:
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Follow us on Instagram: @plumandparcel 
Connect with Austin on LinkedIn: austinkapur

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

Nearly a decade ago [much before TikTok], I started working with my good friend Polly Payne, the visionary and CEO behind Horacio Printing and the creator of the Christian Dream Planner. 📖
Horacio Printing was one of my first clients, and together, we executed an influencer marketing strategy that was flawless. 🤌
Polly's planners landed in the hands of the most perfect “celebs”. And, their online promotion of the planners rocked her business for the good! 💰
But, like most businesses, her marketing and PR strategy had to evolve. 
Over the years, Polly has not only leveraged influencers, social media marketing, podcast tours, a robust email list, SMS and so much more… 📱
But, she has nailed the art of urgency and incentives that catapult her perfect customer to buy her planners again and again and again. 🛒 
Polly is an incredible example of applying an integrated marketing and PR approach.
I'm so excited for you to learn more about her, the multiple businesses she runs and her evolving marketing mix on the Marketing Your Purpose podcast today.
If you're ready to propel a dream or simply advance your marketing strategy… come take a listen. 🎧
Hear about the investment she made in P&P, “the best money [she] ever spent" in her business. 💵
Join Polly’s workshop :
Visit Print School:
Book a free 15-minute discovery call with Austin:
Join the Marketing Your Purpose FB community:
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Follow us on Instagram: @plumandparcel 
Connect with Austin on LinkedIn: austinkapur

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024

Hi friend! Ever considered outsourcing your PR? 💵
I know, I know, I know… I talk a lot about doing your own PR and marketing over here on the MYP podcast, so why am I suggesting outsourcing?
I will always advocate for you being your own multi-channel, integrated marketing and communications manager. 💪
But, as a small business owner myself, I am fully aware bandwidth and time WILL get in between you and your biggest awareness and sales goals.
And, I don't want you to get stuck there. 🚫
In today's content-driven world, the ability to craft compelling editorial pieces and pitches is essential for businesses and individuals alike. 
If you find yourself lacking the time, skill, or inclination to write and pitch yourself and your brand for further exposure, fear not. 🫣
There are numerous ways to outsource your pitching and writing needs efficiently and effectively. 
Now, is the BEST time to learn why outsourcing isn't so bad (hello business expense) as we sit squarely in tax season. 🧾
 In today's episode of the Marketing Your Purpose podcast, we'll explore five strategies to help you find the perfect writer for all your PR needs, plus all the benefits of outsourcing.
Because remember, we weren’t created to do life alone… 👭
Investing in others experienced in the work you've been itching to start is an absolute no brainer! 🧠
Ready to take a chance on PR with a little bit of coaching and accountability?
We have 5 spots available for our PR Support Bundle this month, and I want one of those spots to go to you.
The PR Support Bundle is a mix of all of our favorite offers. This is what you get when you sign up today:
Two 60-minute strategy calls with me, Austin Kapur
One 3-6 month PR action plan with proposed goals and PR strategies
A bio refresh and creation of your thought leadership platform
A list of suggested, targeted influencer, podcast or media contacts, and the directions & guidelines for how to reach them
4 personalized influencer, podcast or media pitches drafted & prepped
2 editorial pieces drafted & queued for submission
+ BONUS! If you pay for this service in full this month, you'll get the Purposeful Marketing & PR Playbook, my online course for FREE! 
This is a POWERHOUSE offer and I can't wait to implement it with you. 
If this sounds up your alley, it's time you booked your first service with P&P. Contact us today!
Book a free 15-minute discovery call with Austin:
Join the Marketing Your Purpose FB community:
Join our email list:
Follow us on Instagram: @plumandparcel 
Connect with Austin on LinkedIn: austinkapur

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024

We're kicking off Holy Week with a very special guest. 🤍
Michelle Myers is the founder of She Works His Way, a non-profit organization for working women. She is an author, wife and mama of three children.
And, has a VAST amount of wisdom to share around doing what matters most versus simply getting things done. 🙇‍♀️
Culture tells us to care about everything, but Scripture tells us to care about a few things.
As Lent ends and we fall back into our patterns again (myself with social media), Michelle will help encourage you to avoid being swept up in the hustle again. 👏
She'll help you pause to remember the weight of this week, and leave you with three foundational reminders…
Especially, for us women who are ambitious and want more – but want that more to not be defined by this world. ⛅
Unable to hop into Episode 36 of the Marketing Your Purpose podcast? 
Here is a preview:
1️⃣ Keep God first — when you do this, He orders everything else
2️⃣ We are called to love people - not please people
3️⃣  Follow His rhythm of rest and work
Grab your cup of tea, find space and take a deep breath in. It’s time you tuned in.
We're so grateful for our avid Marketing Your Purpose podcast listeners. 
If you haven't written a review, please take a moment to leave one on Apple Podcasts or wherever you tune in.
Every time someone writes a review for the podcast, it helps another busy, purpose-driven gal find it! Thank you for ALL your support.
Check out the She Works His Way podcast:
Shop She Works His Way resources:
Join the Marketing Your Purpose FB community:
Join Plum & Parcel’s email list:
Follow Plum & Parcel on Instagram: @plumandparcel 
Connect with Austin on LinkedIn: austinkapur

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024

Have you ever said to yourself…
“I can't pitch myself, my biz or organization for speaking gigs or editorial pieces because I don't have enough time or I don't know how?" 
Have you fallen into the belief that you don't have the right connections, skills, money or time to make PR happen? But, are tired of living into this belief?I find that the biggest hurdle to getting started with PR and pitching is knowing where to start AND where to find the time. Thankfully, today, that's where we come in.
There are systems and processes you can build RIGHT NOW that will give you the time and freedom to start pitching with ease.
And, we want to share those with you for FREE.
On the Marketing Your Purpose podcast, I'm excited to dive into 5 systems to empower YOU, the:
- busy, purpose-driven entrepreneur, - non-profit leader,- course or content creator, - business or marketing coach or consultant, - tech for good founder,- e-commerce shop owner, etc….
Because you can do this yourself!
The cat is out of the bag…  
You don't need to hire a big expensive PR agency to do the pitching for you. 
For 5 simple tips on how to start pitching yourself and your biz for podcasts and editorial pieces, tune into Episode 35.
Ready to take a chance on PR with a little bit of coaching and accountability?
We have 5 spots available for our PR Support Bundle this month, and I want one of those spots to go to you.
The PR Support Bundle is a mix of all of our favorite offers. This is what you get when you sign up today:
Two 60-minute strategy calls with me, Austin Kapur
One 3-6 month PR action plan with proposed goals and PR strategies
A bio refresh and creation of your thought leadership platform
A list of suggested, targeted influencer, podcast or media contacts, and the directions & guidelines for how to reach them
4 personalized influencer, podcast or media pitches drafted & prepped
2 editorial pieces drafted & queued for submission
+ BONUS! If you pay for this service in full this month, you'll get the Purposeful Marketing & PR Playbook, my online course for FREE! 
This is a POWERHOUSE offer and I can't wait to implement it with you

If this sounds up your alley, it's time you booked your first service with P&P. Contact us today!
Grab your free one-page marketing plan
Fill out your one-page marketing plan with me in Episode 4
Book a free 15-minute discovery call with Austin:
Join the Marketing Your Purpose FB community:
Join our email list:
Follow us on Instagram: @plumandparcel 
Connect with Austin on LinkedIn: austinkapur

Tuesday Mar 12, 2024

When I first set out to create the Marketing Your Purpose podcast, one of my greatest weapons was my email list.
Creating a carefully thought through list was no easy task. 
It took energy, time and investing in a strategy that as my new friend Rachel Lopez of Gal Agency describes was manageable and sustainable. 
But, that didn't happen overnight.
So, my goal here today is to make your email marketing strategy simpler.
With the help of Rachel, we're covering three questions you should ask yourself when starting your own email list at any stage of business, including:
➟ Where are you at in your business?
➟ What can email do for you?
➟ How will email fit into your entire marketing ecosystem?
When Rachel first reached out to be a guest, I was most excited about her belief that your marketing should feel as good as your purpose.
If amping up your email marketing strategy, and being more intentional in your biz are on your radar in 2024, tune into this episode.
Building your email list starts today! 
Sign up for Gal Agency’s email list:
Book a free 15-minute discovery call with P&P:
Join the Marketing Your Purpose FB community:
Join our email list:
Follow us on Instagram: @plumandparcel 
Connect with Austin on LinkedIn: austinkapur

Tuesday Mar 05, 2024

Happy Women's History Month!
This week is all about the ladies… I'm coming in with 3 small business, do-it-yourself PR gals I'd love for you to get to know. 
Because this month is all about honoring women, I believe it's important we do the same in our own areas of influence.
I admire and respect the women featured on this week's episode.
Their businesses and offerings, similar to P&P, go much beyond traditional PR. 
They each follow a multi-channel marketing strategy that reaches their ideal customer, and have unique skills and services, I’m excited for you to learn about directly.
+++At P&P, we partner with companies and individuals who are making a positive, lasting difference in this world. 
Whether you're a for-profit or non-profit, you'll find our integrated marketing and PR process breaks through the darkness of this loud world… 
And, gets every purpose-driven thang we work with heard and seen, using our surround sound approach. 
Our goal is to coach you, consult you and share our tips on the HOW.
That's why we love these three women. 
They're serving their unique customer by walking them through the process of working with the media, and not just doing it behind closed doors. 
Just like P&P, these women will empower you to believe you can do your own PR as a small business. Because you can!
If you're curious about working with one of them, scroll down below and listen to this episode.
It’s time you tuned in!
Learn about Susie Moore’s Five Minutes to Famous:
Get to know Gloria Chou:
Say hi to Lexie Smith:
Book a free 15-minute discovery call with Austin:
Reach out to Austin at

Tuesday Feb 27, 2024

Remember when I mentioned I'd be spending a lot less time on social media?
Stefanie, our first guest + the gal behind Online Business for Christian Women, a Top 20 business podcast, was one of the many resources that made me say “buh-bye” to social media until Easter 👋
Stefanie is an incredible business and podcast coach, and a friend of a friend. And now, my friend 💗
Her online programs led me to start the Marketing Your Purpose podcast in 2023, and grow it into what it is today.
In five years, this woman has built a successful seven-figure online business without using social media…
And, now teaches other women how to build their own online businesses in just 2-hours a week with ZERO use of social 🤯
Wondering how you can manage this too?
I sat down with Stef to discuss what happens when you ditch social media and focus on what works for your business.
To hear that SOMETHING works is a breath of fresh air… 😮‍💨
If you want to give up countless hours on social too + tap into a tactic that drives a much better ROI in less than half the time, tune into this episode.
You don't want to miss this…🎙️
📣 CALLING ALL PODCASTERS! (And my “maybe, I’ll podcast one day” friends) 
My podcast coach, Stefanie Gass, is hosting a special LIVE 5-Day Challenge next week! 
In this 5-day FREE bootcamp, you will learn:
➡ How to make your podcast grow (way faster)!
➡ How to make consistent income from your podcast
➡ How to sell one-to-many instead of in #awkward DMs
➡ 3 simple strategies to increase your downloads
When? Monday, March 4 - 8th
If you are ready to GROW your podcast, get ranked, and start making income, this is the event for you.
If you participate in this bootcamp and then are on the fence on whether to invest, reach out via email. We'll drop all the details on what to invest in first.
See you there!
Invest in Stef’s Clarify Your Calling Online Course:
Take the Podcast Pro University Online Course:  
Join Stef’s Podcast to Profit 6-Month Group Coaching Program: 
Start with Stef’s FREE evergreen workshop:
Book a free 15-minute discovery call with Austin:
Reach out to Austin at 

Tuesday Feb 20, 2024

I know I'm not the only one… 
After a stressful day in the office, or once the kiddos have gone to bed, it's easy to slip out of real life and into my internet one. 📱
I spend countless hours on my phone, getting sucked into content and ads I didn't ask to see…
Or, posting the perfect Instagram reel that ends up not being engaged with anyway. 😞
It doesn't feel great. It doesn't sit well. 
And I know my time is precious. ⌛
So, why do I keep turning to it at all? … 
In this season of Lent, which kicked off last Wednesday, a period of prayer, fasting and giving that ends the Thursday before Easter… 
I am releasing my grip on social media. 👋
For the next 40-ish days, you won't see us posting on social media, except to share a guest interview or two that expands on this topic.
I hope by being off social media, we inspire you to think through what it would look like to give up social media too. 
And, to replace it with a healthy alternative that is good for your mind, body and soul instead. 🕊️
If you're curious what those alternatives are, grab your headphones. 🎧
We have 10 healthy ideas for all that new found time!
Ready to stop spinning on social media and take a bigger and bolder step into your marketing and PR efforts? 𓊍
Book a free 15-minute discovery call with Austin:
In our 15-20 minutes, we'll chat through:
1. What it is you're struggling with,
2. Tangible ways to get off social media 
3. And, new EXCITING marketing and PR strategies that will meet your audience exactly where they're at. 🙌✊🥳
The time is now, my friend! Book a discovery call today.
Always grateful to be on this journey with you. Until next week….
Book a free 15-minute discovery call:
Join the Marketing Your Purpose FB community:
Join our email list:
Follow us on Instagram: @plumandparcel
Connect with Austin on LinkedIn: austinkapur

Tuesday Feb 13, 2024

Welcome to the latest episode of the Marketing Your Purpose podcast hosted by Austin Kapur, a marketing and PR professional passionately helping purpose-driven businesses to be seen and heard.
If you are a motivated entrepreneur, a persistent marketing leader, or a dedicated boss lady who requires a nudge towards purposeful marketing strategies, we are glad to have you here.
In this episode, we will be unraveling the seamless blend of digital marketing and PR (public relations) and its potential to enhance the credibility, visibility, and reach of any brand. 
We're sharing how these two go together like milk and cookies, donuts and coffee, tacos and Tuesdays. You just can’t have one without the other. 🫶
Although the two serve very distinct purposes, Austin talks about how digital marketing and PR complement each other perfectly. She shares five reasons why you should always keep these darlings together, including how they:
→ Bring synergy to your messaging
→ Increase your reach and visibility
→ Build your credibility and trust
→ and much MORE!
This podcast aims to provide actionable integrated marketing and PR tips that can cut through the clutter and aid you in shaping your business's future.
If you are prepared to bring more light into this world through purpose-driven marketing, turn up the volume, grab your coffee, and let's dig in.
Book your free 15-min discovery call today at
During this quick chat, we’ll talk through:
1. What it is you’re struggling with,2. Creative ways to help you integrate your digital marketing and PR efforts, 3. How P&P can empower you to boldly spread your purpose (and products) to your perfect audience! 🙌
Reach out with any questions!
Let's make a positive impact in this world together.
Book a free 15-minute discovery call:
Book a P&P service:  
Join our email list:
Follow us on Instagram: @plumandparcel
Connect with Austin on LinkedIn: austinkapur


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